Feb 01, 2022

[For companies in Thailand]
The Next Normal Supply Chain

Challenges and key priorities for transformation

  • Manager Kunathai Chansaenwilai

Supply Chain is certainly a primary business element that has been hard hit by COVID-19 pandemic in our global operation. It has now become extremely important in any industrial sectors at any size to review the situation to understand challenges and trends, for the direction towards securing profit or survival in “the new normal” environment.

We would like to invite you to a journey of global supply chain landscape from the perspective of challenges, paradigm shift, surviving factors and solutions to ignite your thought for sustaining your supply chain. The key items to be discussed include;
・ What happened and is happening in the global supply chain?
・ What will be the key changes in SCM mind-set and behavior in both short and long terms?
・ What are the key factors you need to consider for your resilient supply chain?
・ How can you know if you are ready for the upcoming wave of supply chain challenges?

Join us in our webinar to learn key challenges and issues of the global supply chain in the current crisis and to discover hints for your business to survive with supply chain paradigm shifts for the next normal.

※This video was originally shared in a webinar held on August 19, 2020.

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