Services and Utilities

Enterprises in these sectors are confronted with the challenge to reduce costs and streamline operations while simultaneously needing to innovate business and sophisticate its services.
With established industry boundaries eroding, companies are facing a pressing need to develop cross-industry businesses and to transform their organization to align with new business models.
At QUNIE, we define companies in sectors such as utilities, transportation & distribution, trading, healthcare, real estate, and leisure as key players of the “social infrastructure services industry”.
We support such companies in creating the best solution possible from a cross-industry perspective, and help to embed the changes to realize true transformation.
For the energy sector, where regulations are relaxed significantly and aligned with full liberalization in retail market and unbundled power grid, we support companies in solving management issues in the strategic areas requiring a high level of expertise through our knowledge and experience.
We deliver our expertise in areas such as:

■General Services and Utilities

■Energy Sector
