• one click for smile
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Our Message


QUNIE adalah perusahaan konsultan yang berasal dari Jepang dan beroperasi secara global. Kami telah memegang filosofi di mana kami berkomitmen untuk pertumbuhan perusahaan dan masyarakat di Jepang. Selain itu, kami ingin membantu mengembangkan organisasi dan masyarakat non-Jepang di seluruh dunia berdasarkan pengalaman kami di Jepang. Kami bekerja secara global dengan aspirasi untuk berkontribusi kepada klien kami serta masyarakat sekitarnya.

Dengan pemikiran ini, kami telah menjalankan program amal yang disebut One Click for Smile sejak tahun 2020, dengan tujuan untuk membantu orang yang membutuhkan, serta meminta dukungan dari mereka yang berhubungan dengan kami.
Untuk menjangkau sebanyak mungkin orang yang rentan dan membantu menyelesaikan beragam masalah sosial, program ini diikuti oleh dua belas badan amal setiap tahunnya, termasuk yang berada di negara-negara tempat QUNIE mengembangkan bisnis konsultasinya.
Setiap satu klik dari Anda setara dengan 100 yen untuk disumbangkan oleh QUNIE.
Bergabunglah dengan kami untuk membantu orang yang membutuhkan dan membawa banyak senyuman.

QUNIE is a consulting firm that originated in Japan and operating globally. We have held the philosophy where we commit to the growth of corporations and society in Japan. Furthermore, we are keen to help develop non-Japanese organizations and societies around the world based on the experiences from Japan. We work globally with aspirations to contribute not only to our clients but societies beyond them. QUNIE Philosophy

With this in mind, we have run a charity program called One Click for Smile since 2020 to help people in need and called for joint support from whom we connect with.
To reach as many vulnerable people as possible and help resolve diverse social issues, the program is joined by twelve charities annually including those based in the countries where QUNIE extend consulting practices.

One each click from you is equivalent to 100 yen for QUNIE to donate.
Join us to help people in need and bring lots of smiles.

Simple three steps from a click
to social contribution

  • Step 1

    Just click 'Give Support' on the One Click for Smile charity website!

  • Step 2

    One click from you is converted into 100 yen and donated by QUNIE to pre-selected charities.

  • Step 3

    Through the charity organisations, donations are used to help people in need all over the world!

Charity of the month

Japan Association for the United Nations World Food Programme(JAWFP)is a non-profit association to support the WFP's objectives in fight against hunger through advocacy and fundraising from private sector companies, organizations, and individuals in Japan.

  • 1 click:

    Nutritious school meals for three children

Charities for 2025

We will make donations to 12 different charities in 12 months.

  • January

    Save the Children

    Save the Children is an international NGO that works to make children’s rights to survival, development, protection and participation a reality worldwide.

  • February

    CARE International Japan

    CARE International Japan seeks a world of hope, inclusion and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security.

  • March

    Plan International

    Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.

  • April

    ‎Japan Association for the World Food Programme

    Japan Association for the United Nations World Food Programme(JAWFP)is a non-profit association to support the WFP's objectives in fight against hunger through advocacy and fundraising from private sector companies, organizations, and individuals in Japan.

  • May

    Build Homes, Communities, and Hope with Habitat for Humanity Indonesia

    Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in approximately 70 countries. Habitat's vision is "a world where everyone has a decent place to live", and works towards that vision by building strength, stability, and self-reliance in partnership with families in need of decent and affordable housing.

  • June

    Médecins du Monde Japon

    Médecins du Monde Japon is an international NGO providing medical support for people who do not have access to medical care, for a future where access to healthcare for all will be guaranteed.

  • July

    Shanti Volunteer Association

    Shanti Volunteer Association is a non-governmental organization that is dedicated to providing educational support and emergency relief activities.

  • August

    Indonesian Education Promoting Foundation(IEPF)

    IEPF was founded in 2000 by a Japanese and an Indonesian, and focuses on environmental education and supporting schools in poor areas, with the aim of improving education in Indonesia and promoting cultural exchange between Indonesia and Japan.

  • September

    WaterAid Japan

    WaterAid is the international not-for-profit organization making clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere.

  • October

    English Skills for 20,000 Indonesian Youths by Solve Education!

    Solve Education! is a philanthropic organization committed to enabling people to empower themselves through education. Our focus is to help children and youth around the globe receive effective and fun education.

  • November

    International Medical Volunteers Japan Heart

    Japan Heart provides free medical care to medically-isolated or disaster-stricken areas in Southeast Asia and Japan.

  • December

    Japan for UNHCR

    As Japan's official organization supporting the UNHCR, we are dedicated to connecting Japanese civil society with refugees and frontline aid workers.

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One Click for Smile is organized by QUNIE CORPORATION, a consulting firm within the NTT DATA Group.

Our Message
